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Environmental protection

We care about the world we live in. has deemed care for the environment as one of our main goals. This is especially important in an industry considered to be rather not environmentally friendly.

How do we do it?

First and foremost, we provide all services based on an ISO 14001 certificate. The key task of this standard is to support environmental protection activities and prevent pollution in a manner aligned with an organisation's needs.

Certification to the requirements of ISO 14001:2015 means that the company is committed to environmental protection.

The key benefits of implementing ISO 14001 include:

Improvement of environmental activities and impact on environmental improvement
Reducing the costs associated with lowering energy consumption, limiting the amount of waste
Limiting the risk of incidents
Full alignment of the company with legal regulations applicable in the field of the environment
Increased prestige and competitiveness
Better perception of the company by customers
Impact on the dissemination of pro-environmental thinking.

ISO 14001 standard

It specifies the requirements for an environmental management system in order to allow the organisation to develop and implement policies and objectives that give consideration to legal and other requirements applicable to the organisation, as well as information on significant environmental aspects.

The standard applies to the aspects the organisation has identified and can control, as well as those it can influence. The standard does not indicate specific criteria for pro-environmental activities.

ISO 14001:2015 is applicable to any organisation that wants to establish, implement, maintain and improve an environmental management system, to have confidence in its environmental policy and to demonstrate compliance with the standard by way of
  • a self-assessment and self-declaration, or
  • seeking confirmation of compliance by parties interested in the organisation, for example customers, or
  • seeking confirmation of the self-declaration by external parties, or
  • seeking certification/registration of the environmental management system by an external organisation.

Stringent waste water management and neutralisation

A Washings Treatment Station (SOP) solves the issue of waste water from the chemical treatment of stainless steel and combines the following functions: neutralisation, separation, decantation and residue pressing. This allows waste water to be safely discharged to the plant's waste water system.

This unit significantly lowers the amount of waste after pickling and passivation, and through additional expansion allows process water to be reused.

These are actions that guarantee full safety and environmental protection.
Complete neutralisation
Capacity of up to 9 m3/day
Pressing residue
Full environmental protection

It's about time!

Together we'll take care of your plant and production safety.
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