- lider rynku w zakresie trawienia i pasywacji stali nierdzewnych | 20 lat na rynku!

About us

We can help you increase production and margins by properly protecting and cleaning
metal components and structures.

Over the course of 18 years, we've developed perfect procedures for protecting and cleaning steel elements and structures.

Thanks to this, our customers do practically nothing, as we'll handle everything.

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Join our community and see what's happening with our team

1 month ago
Dzisiaj nie tylko rozpoczynamy lato, ale te? wakacje!???Niezale?nie od tego, czy planujecie wyjazd nad morze, górskie w?drówki, czy spokojne chwile w domowym zaciszu, ?yczymy Wam mnóstwo s?o?ca, u?miechu, niezapomnianych przygód i na?adowania baterii po intensywnym roku. Niech te wakacje b?d? pe?ne rado?ci, beztroski i wspania?ych wspomnie?! ????Mi?ych wakacji ?yczy zespó?! ? ... See MoreSee Less

1 month ago
Dzi?kujemy Pawe? Tkaczyk to by? warto?ciowy czas ? ... See MoreSee Less

1 month ago
?Zobacz spektakularne efekty obróbki strumieniowo-?ciernej! Przed i po - ró?nica mówi sama za siebie! Dzi?ki naszym specjalistom i nowoczesnym technologiom ka?da powierzchnia odzyskuje swój blask i perfekcyjny wygl?d. Do??cz do grona zadowolonych klientów i daj swoim projektom drugie ?ycie. ??Skontaktuj si? z nami ju? dzi?! tel:+48324508622 #trawialnia #obróbkastrumieniowo?cierna #przedipo #jako?? #profesjonalizm ... See MoreSee Less

What services do we offer?

Services performed in our pickling plant, as well as those rendered on-site at your plant.
All are implemented in such a way as to minimise production line downtime and ensure maximum safety for your plant, employees and customers.

We use the knowledge of the best specialists

Our know-how is a combination of experience, practice and knowledge of specialists in the field of chemistry. We co-operate with technical universities and world-class specialists to ensure the best and the most effective results of our work.

Many years of experience have led to a wide range of products for cleaning, pickling and passivation of stainless steel, aluminium and titanium.

Our offer fits the needs of both smaller companies and large enterprises.

Meet our staff

Joanna Idzikowska

Managing Director

Krystian Idzikowski

Technical Director

Szymon Konofalski

Production Director

Joanna Idzikowska

Managing Director

Krystian Idzikowski

Technical Director

Szymon Konofalski

Production Director

Maja Fuz-Potrzuska

Marketing Director

Andrzej Ciupak

Commercial Director

Kinga Kosecka

Technical Adviser

Aleksandra Kostrzewa

Controlling Director

Jarosław Szafrański

Pickling plant manager

Piotr Majewski

Pickling plant manager

Michał Piwowarski

Key Account Manager

Agnieszka Skoruppa

Specialist in the Environment and Security

Aneta Obtułowicz-Kurczek

Quality Director

Emilia Mazurek

Technical Adviser

Patrycja Kalinowska

Office Manager

Anna Piwowarska

Specialist in customer service

Elżbieta Dudek

Quality and environment specialist

Martyna Kos

Specialist in customer service

What products can you find in our store?

Pickling and passivating preparations
Pickling pastes
Spray preparations
Pickling baths and pickling bath concentrates

Environmental friendliness and safety above all else

When you start working with, you don't need to worry about the safety of your employees and the environment. Our specialists will ensure that cleaning is safe and then dispose of anything that remains after the service.

We're the only company on the market with an ISO14001:2015 certificate, and all the products we work on are safe and environmentally neutral.

Safety is our standard

When a team from enters your facility, you'll immediately see their overwhelming professionalism. All employees are equipped with protective clothing and apply the most stringent OHS standards, guaranteed by an ISO 45001:2018 certificate..

Our mission

Spreading knowledge and raising awareness of metal pickling and passivation
Providing services and products of the the highest quality with exceptional customer service and in harmony with the environment
Striving for long-term business partnerships
Introducing innovative solutions

We operate according to strictly defined values


We believe that co-operation and trust within a team give the best results.


We're open to new projects, constantly expand our knowledge and improve our qualifications.


We're a fully trusted and responsible company within the scope of environmental management and protection.


Positive relationships inspire us to act.

Reliability, honesty, respect

Everyone is important and we're proud to support our customers in their pursuit of success.


We're an organisation with awareness in the pursuit of goals, consistency between what we think, say and do.

Professional work

Selection of products and services suited to individual needs.

Partnership in business

We work with you and for you, and clearly specify the co-operation terms.


We wish to meet the needs of our customers within the scope of metal cleaning according to our best knowledge.


We care about the environment through conscious actions.

Our plant has been qualified as a ZZR (plant with an increased risk), as it meets the criterion for substances posing a threat to the environment. Quantitative thresholds for the other two criteria (threat to human health and physical hazards) have not been exceeded.
In the event of a serious accident, we are required to immediately notify the Voivodship Inspector for Environmental Protection and the Chief of the Municipal State Fire Service in Tarnowskie Góry.

Public information prepared in accordance with Art. 261a of the Act - Environmental Protection Law for a plant demonstrating an increased risk of a serious industrial accident.


Information on warnings and procedure in the event of an industrial failure for - a plant at an increased risk of a serious industrial accident.pdf (0.2 MB)
Safety data sheet - Hydrofluoric acid 70%.pdf (0.13 MB)
Safety data sheet - Hydrofluoric acid 70%.pdf (0.13 MB)

1. Designation of the plant operator

42-600 Tarnowskie Góry, ul. Zagórska 167A,
tel. +48 32 450 86 22

Plant manager:
Joanna Idzikowska – Managing Director

The persons authorised to represent the establishment in accordance with the National Court Register are as follows:
Joanna Idzikowska – Managing Director
Krystian Idzikowski – Technical Director

2. Plant notification

Zak?ad Sp. z o.o. jest zak?adem o zwi?kszonym ryzyku wyst?pienia powa?nej awarii przemys?owej (ZZR) zgodnie z klasyfikacj? dokonan? na podstawie Rozporz?dzenia Ministra Rozwoju z dnia 29 stycznia 2016r. w sprawie rodzajów i ilo?ci znajduj?cych si? w zak?adzie substancji niebezpiecznych, decyduj?cych o zaliczeniu zak?adu do zak?adu o zwi?kszonym lub du?ym ryzyku wyst?pienia powa?nej awarii przemys?owej (Dz.U. z 2016r., poz. 138). Zgodnie z obowi?zuj?cymi wymaganiami ustawy Prawo ochrony ?rodowiska (Dz.U. z 2020r., poz. 1219), dokonano zg?oszenia zak?adu Komendantowi Powiatowej Pa?stwowej Stra?y Po?arnej w Tarnowskich Górach oraz Wojewódzkiemu Inspektorowi Ochrony ?rodowiska w Katowicach Delegatura w Cz?stochowie.

In accordance with legal requirements, all the obligations of the plant operator have been fulfilled. The documentation in force, required by the Act - Environmental Protection Law, has been provided to the Chief of the Poviat State Fire Service in Tarnowskie Góry and the Voivodeship Envornmental Protection Inspector in Katowice - branch office in Częstochowa. This is a confirmation of the fulfilment of all obligations of the plant's operator.

3. Description of plant operations Sp. z o.o. prowadzi dzia?alno?? us?ugow? w zakresie powierzchniowej obróbki metali (proces oczyszczania elementów stalowych metod? trawienia polega na odt?uszczaniu elementów stalowych, trawieniu chemicznym poprzez k?piel trawi?c? i pasywacj? oraz p?ukanie wod? destylowan?). Procesy s? prowadzone w instalacji do powierzchniowej obróbki metali lub materia?ów z tworzyw sztucznych z wykorzystaniem procesów elektrolitycznych lub chemicznych.

4. Nature of the stored hazardous substances that determines whether a plant is classified as a plant at an increased risk of a serious industrial accident

W zak?adzie Sp. z o.o. s? stosowane niebezpieczne substancje i mieszaniny chemiczne stwarzaj?ce zagro?enie dla zdrowia oraz zagro?enia dla ?rodowiska. Na terenie zak?adu s? równie? stosowane inne niebezpieczne substancje chemiczne, stanowi?ce mniejsze zagro?enie. Zagro?enia stwarzane przez stosowane substancje: powoduje powa?ne oparzenia skóry oraz uszkodzenia oczu; dzia?a toksycznie w kontakcie ze skór?; dzia?a toksycznie po po?kni?ciu lub w nast?pstwie wdychania; dzia?a szkodliwie po po?kni?ciu; dzia?a bardzo toksycznie na organizmy wodne, powoduj?c d?ugotrwa?e skutki.

Safety data sheets of substances determining whether a plant is classified as a plant at an increased risk of a serious industrial accident

Safety data sheet - Hydrofluoric acid 70%.pdf (0.13 MB)
Safety data sheet - Hydrofluoric acid 70%.pdf (0.13 MB)

5. Information on the warning methods and procedures for the population in the event of a serious industrial accident agreed with the competent fire protection authorities

W przypadku wyst?pienia powa?nej awarii TRAWIALNIA.EU SP. Z O.O., jest zobowi?zana do niezw?ocznego powiadomienia o tym fakcie Wojewódzkiego Inspektora Ochrony ?rodowiska oraz Komend? Powiatow? Stra?y Po?arnej w Tarnowskich Górach. Ewentualne dzia?ania dotycz?ce ostrzegania i post?powania spo?ecze?stwa w przypadku wyst?pienia awarii przemys?owej realizowane b?d? w uzgodnieniu z kieruj?cym akcj? ratownicz? z ramienia Pa?stwowej Stra?y Po?arnej. Informacje dotycz?ce sposobu ostrzegania i post?powania w przypadku wyst?pienia awarii przemys?owej dla Chimimeca Polska Sp. z o.o. - zak?ad zwi?kszonego ryzyka wyst?pienia powa?nej awarii przemys?owej.

It all starts with the first contact

Contact is the first step to a clean and safe production line, higher margins and high-quality products.
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